Published on 30/06/2023

Effigy Consulting has just completed a preliminary assessment of the 2022 European Parcel Market.

The preliminary trends are as follows:

The initial analysis of the first half of 2022 reveals a significant decline compared to the same period in 2021 (H1/2021). However, it is important to consider the broader context. In early 2021, several European countries were still dealing with Covid-related lockdowns, which led to substantial growth in e-commerce.

The decline of H2/2022 versus H2/2021 softened compared to the drop of H1/2022 versus H1/2021. The overall 2022 results are therefore less weak than first expected. The year 2022 marks a pause in terms of double-digit growth, which can be attributed to a post-Covid readjustment combined with geopolitical and economic challenges.

Altogether, the preliminary estimate for the full year 2022 in Europe is a slight increase of approx. +1.5% in Revenue and a decrease of approx. –2.8% in Volume.

The performance of revenue was better than that of volume, mostly due to general price increases implemented by the majority of carriers in most countries, with only a few exceptions. Indeed, the high inflation, the impact of the war in Ukraine and the rise in energy and fuel costs forced the carriers to increase prices, in some cases several times during the year.

The European CAGR from 2018 to 2022 demonstrates a growth of ~10% in both revenue and volume.

Note that several countries performed below the European average, among which the United Kingdom, Germany, Switzerland.


    2022 European Parcel Market Growth (EU)

    The analysis of the European countries is currently in progress and will be released in July 2023 (certain countries are already available upon request). The other regions will follow thereafter (North America and Asia-Pacific).

       For more in depth information, please refer to our CEP Market Data Analytics Section.